Media Policy

Official Media Rights
 2024 US Disc Golf Championship Week at Winthrop University
in Rock Hill, South Carolina
 (revised 8.5.23)


US Disc Golf owns and functions as the responsible event producer of United States Disc Golf Championship Week. Championship Week events include, but are not limited to, the United States Disc Golf Championship (USDGC), Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship (TPWDGC), USDGC Doubles, USDGC Monday Qualifying, USDGC Spectator Day, and all side events. US Disc Golf retains rights to all media produced during Championship Week and will function as PR host for general media and executive host broadcaster for the event. Live and post produced coverage will be handled by Disc Golf Network.

Media Rights

All interested media personnel (hereafter: Operators) must register with the organizer here or by email to the contacts below at least 2 weeks in advance of Oct. 5, based on which the organizer will categorize the operator appropriately. Operator privileges, definitions, and requirements for the event have been divided into 4 categories depending on the type of media and intended use. All approved operators are required to check in upon arrival with Genevieve Young. Operators must pick up and display the appropriate media credentials and comply with all terms provided by the organizer in advance and at check-in.

Requests for media credentials must include, at minimum, the following information:

  • Operator name
  • Contact information
  • Publication platform, country/region of operation
  • Content’s intended use
  • Size of the production team and equipment list
  • Days of operation onsite (Oct. 5-8, 2023)

Monday Qualifying/Practice

All media are allowed to attend Monday Qualifying and Practice days, with permission from the organizer. To inquire about Oct. 2-4, please reach out to Media Manager Genevieve Young.

Operator Categories and Definitions

Category definitions are subject to modification at any time by the organizer and serve as a guideline for the production hierarchy. The organizer reserves the right to assign a category to any approved operator at any time.

Host Broadcasters

  • US Disc Golf
  • Disc Golf Network

Championship Athletes

  • Players, and player-managed media teams, registered to compete in the USDGC, TPWDGC, and other side events

National/International Media Companies

  • Media with a separate independent sports desk
  • Non-disc golf media companies and/or news gathering outlets

Independent Freelancer Media

  • Content creators and/or influencers
  • Freelancers with their own publication platform
    In-sport publication platforms

Other commercial operators and equipment manufacturers operating in the sport Operator Privileges by Category

  • Category 1 operators are entitled to operate in the filming area specified by the organizer and in the entire course area. Category 1 operators are the only operators allowed to film the two (2) top groups during the 3rd and 4th rounds. Final round live Internet, television, and/or radio broadcasts are reserved for Category 1 operators only.
  • Category 2 operators are entitled to operate during practice rounds in the entire course area, provided it does not interrupt the practice of other competitors. Category 2 operators are entitled to film in all areas of the course area during 1st and 2nd rounds. The top two (2) groups are off limits from filming during the 3rd and 4th rounds. Upon request, operators will give copies of the material for the organizer’s free use without limitations. Materials published by Category 2 operators must correctly identify the name and location of the event. In addition, any hashtag(s) provided by the organizer must be used with all content shared on social media.
  • Category 3 operators will receive day-specific filming and interview rights from the event’s media officer. It is possible to conduct player interviews after the rounds in a specified area. 
  • Category 4 operators are entitled to film at the venue but only in spectator areas of the course area (no live broadcasting/ streaming). It is possible to conduct player interviews after the rounds in a specified area. Upon request, operators will give copies of the material for the organizer’s free use without limitations. Materials published by Category 3 operators must correctly identify the name and location of the event. In addition, any hashtag(s) provided by the organizer must be used with all content shared on social media.
  • Category 5 operators are entitled to film (no live broadcasting/streaming) at the venue but only in areas reserved for the audience in the course area. It is possible to conduct player interviews after the rounds in a specified area. Category 5 operators are entitled to request commercial rights releases for any materials gathered, granted at the organizers’ discretion, by emailing the below contacts.All Category 5 operators must, upon request, give a copy of their footage to the operator for the organizer’s free use without limitations. Materials published by Category 5 operators must correctly identify the name and location of the event, including material that is intended for non-commercial use. In addition, any hashtag(s) provided by the organizer must be used with all content shared on social media.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the event’s media rights and instructions where needed.

Jonathan Poole
US Disc Golf, Event Director & Strategic Partnerships