We are excited to announce details for this year’s media presentation of the United States Disc Golf Championship. USDGC fans will enjoy enhanced experiences both at Winthrop and online via unprecedented tournament coverage. Here is a summary of what to expect:
Lead Group Live Stream via Pay-Per-View
Partnership with Fulcrum Media will enable us to provide lead card coverage of rounds 2, 3, and 4. Daily broadcasts will be anchored by Jamie Thomas, Hannah McBeth, and 5-time United States Champion Ken Climo. Fans may purchase the entire 3-day broadcast for $9.99 beginning on September 23rd. Proceeds will benefit the Educational Disc Golf experience and help fund the broadcast itself.
Purchase the live stream PPV package here.
Condensed, Post-Round Coverage
Post-produced content of all 4 rounds will be provided by SpinTV (Lead Card) and Jomez Pro (Chase Card). Both media teams will apply a wealth of experience to deliver next-day, abbreviated “Front 9 / Back 9” coverage of all Championship rounds. Condensed content will be available free of charge courtesy of SpinTV, JomezPro, and the USDGC.
Live Scoring and In-Depth Analysis
UDisc Live will provide the official USDGC live-scoring presentation throughout all 4 days of competition. UDisc delivers scores and statistics with unparalleled speed and clarity so you will always know how your favorite athletes are performing.
Professionally-Shot Photography
Daily galleries and social media channels will feature still photography by Eino Ansio and Chad “Corduroy” LeFevre. Both gentlemen are USDGC veterans and are known around the world for their outstanding quality and passion for disc golf.
Social Media Coverage
Monitoring USDGC action throughout your normal daily routine will be easier than ever before. Content will be delivered through a variety of social spaces including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter courtesy of the Professional Disc Golf Association, Innova Disc Golf, the USDGC, and many more.
Skip Virtual, Go IRL
Want to see the action first hand, in Rock Hill? Get your Spectator Pass.
Thank you for supporting the USDGC.
We hope you enjoy the show!