Spacious New Hole 8 Tee

Players can look forward to a roomier Hole 8 tee this year. However, that extra space comes with a small price, the tee has also been backed up about 20 feet.

The move was to restore an accuracy component off the tee that’s been missing the last few years as trees have fallen in the fairway.

The new view from Hole 8's tee.
The new view from Hole 8’s tee. The tree on the left now comes into play.

Now, a large tree that was next to the old tee (but out of play) is now making its presence known. It’s not an in-your-face type of an obstacle, but it does make the side arm hyzer drive more challenging. Check out Hole 8 and the rest of Winthrop Gold in the Caddy book.

Crews went to work on the new tee soon after the 2015 USDGC was complete. Since the new location was on a fairly steep slope, it had to be leveled out by removing about 20 inches of dirt from the tee’s rear and adding about 12 inches of dirt to the front. Mini, wooden power poles were then used as retaining walls in the back and the front.

The new tee, now elevated about a foot, is so spacious players should have plenty of room to get in their zone.

“I just wanted something that was not going to be crowded,” said USDGC Course Superintendent Michael Shugart, adding that he also left room at the tee’s front for the occasional slip off the teepad.

Plenty of room here for players to get their perfect drive.
Plenty of room here for players to get their perfect drive.