EDGE Links Disc Golf With Next Generation

The EDGE program continues to lead the way in introducing disc golf to the next generation. Started in 2001, EDGE (Educational Disc Golf Experience) is a non-profit that introduces disc golf to students by providing disc golf curriculum and equipment packages to schools.

Each year at the USDGC, area shcool children get to experience disc golf, many for the first time.
Each year at the USDGC, area school children get to experience disc golf, many for the first time, at the EDGE Village.

With the support from the USDGC, Innova, and additional funding provided by the PDGA, the EDGE grant program has reached all 50 states.“Considering the increasing number of school partners since EDGE was founded, the number of students exposed to disc golf through EDGE is incalculable,” said EDGE Coordinator David Shope. In the last three years alone, EDGE has provided more than 25,000 discs and nearly 40 permanent courses to school campuses.

Each year at the USDGC, hundreds of students visit the EDGE Village to gain disc golf skills and learn how to spectate the event. This year some students will travel more than 100 miles to participate.For the volunteers and competitors, having these young folks is one of the highlights of the week, says Shope. A special thanks goes out to the volunteers who give up their time each year to share the joy of disc golf to these students.

Chris Roberts is one  of several annual EDGE Village volunteers.
Chris Roberts is one of several annual EDGE Village volunteers.

Shope says he’s confident the EDGE program will help enrich the education of today’s students and generate some talented disc golfers in the process.

“One of my disc golf dreams is to hear a man or woman give a USDGC victory speech and state that they were introduced to disc golf in school,” said Shope.

Visit EDGEdiscgolf.org, for more information.

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