Round 1 Perf. Flight Summary: Big Day for Meintsma

Noah Meintsma of Minneapolis, MN, blasted atop the Performance Flight field when he shot a 60 that bested his projected score by 16 strokes. After Wednesday’s Round 1, Meintsma leads the flight by five strokes. Not far behind is Anthony Siefker who is beating his projection by 11 strokes, followed by Braden Coolidge (-8), and Ben Shinn and Chas Ford are both at (-7).

Noah Meintsma
Noah Meintsma

Not Bad for Only the Second Winthrop Gold Round

This was Meintsma’s second official time playing the Winthrop Gold Course and he shot a round that many Open Flight players would be quite pleased with.

One of the keys to his round was being careful around the rope. Whenever he was close to danger, Meintsma said he threw trusty forehand and backhand lay up shots.

Meintsma came close to qualifying for the Open Flight during the Monday Qualifier, but had a rough ending on holes 17 and 18.

“I stayed away from OB. That was what separated my round today from Monday,” said Meintsma.

He said he’ll keep the same game plan for tomorrow. We’ll see if others from the Performance Flight can catch him on Thursday.

Don’t miss the action to come!

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